New overtime rules have you worried? The HR Manager part of me feels the need to tell you this.

Posted by Carol Golichnik, With 0 Comments, Category: Uncategorized,
I know there has been much talk about the new rules for overtime and how they apply in your nonprofit organization. The rules are not that complicated but the impact on your organization could be major. The first thing you must do is determine if an employee is EXEMPT or NON-EXEMPT. Exempt employees are not subject to overtime rules. Many organizations classify employees as exempt because then they can just pay a salary and not worry about tracking hours at all. Easy. The truth is that to q ...

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Now THIS is what I call a Board Meeting

Now THIS is what I call a Board Meeting

Posted by Carol Golichnik, With 0 Comments, Category: Uncategorized,
Sometimes I am in awe at how lucky I am to work with nonprofit organizations. I was recently invited to attend a board meeting for Friends of Gold Butte. It was not a typical board meeting, as you can tell by my pictures. I met the group at the beginning of Gold Butte Road and hopped into a high clearance vehicle for a beautiful ride out to their outdoor boardroom. I was privileged to have 3 board members in the vehicle to point out the various spectacular features along the way. In this insp ...

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Is your organizational house in order? Take the test and find out.

Is your organizational house in order? Take the test and find out.

Posted by Carol Golichnik, With 0 Comments, Category: Uncategorized,
I have just returned from the Friends Rendezvous sponsored by the Conservation Lands Foundation which was held in beautiful Bend Oregon along the Deschutes River. It was truly inspirational to be among this group of people who run nonprofits dedicated to protecting our public lands. The love they have for their lands is infectious and I always come away with a desire to visit each and every place. During the Rendezvous, I presented a workshop called Friends Operations 101 during which we ...

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Posted by Carol Golichnik, With 0 Comments, Category: Uncategorized,
Have you heard this word? Even if you haven’t heard the word you most certainly have participated in gamification. Gamification is defined as “the use of game-elements and game mechanics in a non-game context in order to increase engagement and loyalty.” My eyes were recently opened to its many uses by Monica Cornetti at the Banner Conference in Las Vegas. All you need to do is Google the term and you will find that it is the source of much discussion online. You may wonder what thi ...

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Unconditional Giving – Does it work?

Posted by Carol Golichnik, With 0 Comments, Category: Uncategorized,
I recently learned about an organization called Give Directly. They make cash transfers via cell phone to poor families and leave it to the recipients to use the money for whatever is most important to them. This allows for at least 90% of funds raised to be put directly in the hands of the poor. Be honest – did you automatically start wondering how the money gets spent and if it gets wasted? What I learned is that there have been many studies on this question and evidence shows that the p ...

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Do you offer your donors a monthly giving program? 6 reasons why you should.

Posted by Carol Golichnik, With 0 Comments, Category: Uncategorized,
I was recently reading an article on about the monthly giving program for Minnesota Public Radio and it started me thinking about all the times I have committed to monthly giving programs. The article had some interesting statistics: Donors who give monthly tend to be loyal: 80 percent of people who commit to giving monthly for a year continue to do so a second year, while just 42 percent of people who make a one-time gift donate again the following year. What’s more, 8 ...

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5 ways to hold on to your volunteers

Posted by Carol Golichnik, With 0 Comments, Category: Uncategorized,
No question about it —Nonprofits rely heavily on volunteers. The good news is there is no lack of volunteerism in America. According to the Corporation for National and Community Service, in 2011, the number of volunteers reached its highest level in five years, as 64.3 million Americans volunteered through an organization, an increase of 1.5 million from 2010. Americans volunteered a total of almost 8 billion hours, an estimated economic value of roughly $171 billion. Impressive statist ...

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Do you REALLY need a Mission Statement??

Posted by Carol Golichnik, With 0 Comments, Category: Uncategorized,
The very words can make me shudder. My experience in the corporate world affords me memories of endless meetings trying to craft a Mission Statement for the company, for a department, for a project. Believe me, if you are reluctant I understand. In the nonprofit world, mission is everything. Often a group of people are brought together because they agree about the need and value of a nonprofit organization to support some goal or goals. This does not mean they agree about what projects the or ...

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Love UT Give UT

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On March 22, 2013 The Community Foundation of Utah will lead a state wide effort to bring together Utahns for 24-hours of unprecedented giving. It is one extraordinary day to support the organizations that make Utah special. This type of virtual fundraising event has been successful in other states, raising tens of millions of dollars for charities in a fun, collaborative and engaging way, and bringing new donors to thousands of organizations. We are partnering with nonprofit organizations, entr ...

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